Earth and the Solar System in the Galaxy and Time

The Sky from Earth
Celestial Coordinate Systems
The Seasons and the Constellations
The Galaxy
Relating the Two Pictures
Modeling the Relation

Introduction: Two Pictures of the Earth in Space

When trying to visualize the Earth's position in space, there are two common pictures. The first depicts the solar system in empty space, with the sun at the center and the planets revolving around it. Relative to distances within the solar system, everything else in the galaxy is so far away that the stars are imagined as being on a so-called "celestial sphere" located infinitely far away and centered on the solar system. This is the view of space we are most familiar with. (Click images to enlarge.)

Images from the free space simulator Celestia (licensed under the GNU General Public License v2.0).

The second picture places the solar system among the structure of the Milky Way Galaxy. Here, instead of being afloat in infinite abstract space, we occupy a definite position relative to the rest of the galaxy.

NASA/JPL-Caltech/R. Hurt (SSC-Caltech)

But how do these two pictures relate? What is the orientation of the Earth's orbit relative to the plane of the galaxy? What direction do the constellations lie in as seen from "above" the galaxy? Where is the Earth at different times of the year in relation to these constellations? The answers - or the tools to find them - are out there, but I have never seen them all put together in one place. I therefore set out to do so myself.

The Sky as Seen from Earth

The Ecliptic and the Celestial Equator

The sun and planets do not occupy fixed positions against the background stars; instead, they move throughout the year relative to those stars. The sun moves on a line known as the ecliptic, and the planets travel on paths near this line, as seen below (click to enlarge).

Paths of the planets Jupiter, Venus, Saturn, and Mars near the ecliptic (orange).
Image from the free space simulator Celestia (licensed under the GNU General Public License v2.0).

The celestial equator is another imaginary line in the sky, defined by the projection of the earth's equator into the sky; it is therefore directly overhead on the actual equator and co-linear with the horizon at the poles. The celestial equator is tilted relative to the ecliptic, which it intersects (see below - click to enlarge).

The ecliptic (orange) and the celestial equator (blue).
Image from the free space simulator Celestia (licensed under the GNU General Public License v2.0).

Equatorial and ecliptic coordinates

The ecliptic and the celestial equator constitute the reference planes of coordinate systems used to locate objects in the sky. Each system defines an object's location using two measurements:
1. The object's distance above or below the reference plane. In the ecliptic system, this is known as ecliptic latitude, and in the equatorial system it is called declination.
2. The angular distance of the object measured along the reference frame from a fixed point. This is the ecliptic longitude in the ecliptic system and the right ascension in the equatorial system.
[image of coordinate grid showing reference plane and poles]
[image of two systems against each other]

Celestial Coordinates and the Solar System

The celestial coordinate systems described above are two-dimensional; they are based on the pre-scientific image of a sphere of fixed stars seen by observers from the surface of the Earth. Here we expand these celestial coordinates into three-dimensional coordinate systems which locate objects in the space around Earth.

Coordinate Systems in Three Dimensions: The Fundamental Plane and the Right-Hand Rule

Coordinates in three dimensions need three axises, each perpendicular to each other. From the first axis, another axis is drawn at 90° perpendicular. These two axises form the fundamental plane of the coordinate system. The right-hand rule is used to obtain the third axis at right angles to both of the first two:

Modified from "Cartesian coordinate system handedness" by Gustavb, used under CC BY-SA 3.0.

In unit vector form, the first axis points in what is known as the -direction, the second in the -direction, and the third in the -direction, allowing us to use these letters as generic terms to identify the first, second, and third axises of any three-dimensional coordinate system.

Anchoring Coordinates to the Sky: The Cardinal Points

The solstices and equinoxes (see below) have been used as markers of time since early in human history, and are known as the cardinal points. In the first millennium B.C., the Sun was in Aries on the vernal equinox and this location became known as the First Point of Aries [1]. Although the Sun's position on the vernal equinox shifts over time due to precession, the name "First Point of Aries" for the location of the vernal equinox on the celestial sphere has remained.

For our purposes the First Point of Aries is significant because it is used as the primary axis of both the geocentric-equatorial and ecliptic coordinate systems. From this point, the second axis of each system lies 90° east along the coordinate system's fundamental plane, and the third axis is perpendicular to both as given by the right-hand rule.

Axial tilt and the orbit

[Spin axis and equatorial plane] A planet orbits around its parent body along a two-dimensional path in space - but space is three-dimensional. So the 2D orbital plane Therefore, unless its equator is coplanar with its orbit, the planet's equatorial plane will be tilted with respect to its orbital plane by the amount of the planet's axial tilt.

Geocentric-equatorial coordinate system

This coordinate system uses the Earth's equator, projected into space, as the fundamental plane. For this reason, it is inherently geocentric, unlike the ecliptic coordinate system (which can be helio- or geo-centric). The origin is at the Earth's center. The -axis points toward the Sun's position on the vernal equinox, and the -axis lies 90° east of it. The -axis points along the Earth's axis of rotation towards the Celestial North Pole (CNP). On this page, the letters I, J, and K will be used for the -, -, and -directions.

Ecliptic coordinate system

In this coordinate system the fundamental plane is the ecliptic. As seen from Earth, this is the Sun's apparent path across the sky over the year. From the Sun, the ecliptic is simply the plane of Earth's orbit. As stated above, use of the ecliptic as the fundamental plane allows this coordinate system to be centered at either the Sun or Earth. [2] (In the discussion on this webpage, the geocentric version will be used.) The -axis points to the Ecliptic North Pole (ENP), which is perpendicular to the plane of the Earth's orbit. [3]. Following Mueller, Bate, and White [6], these directions are identified here as Xω, Yω, and Zω.

Relating the two systems

The geocentric-equatorial and ecliptic systems share an -axis. The other two axises are tilted along this axis by 23.5°, like so:


Galactic coordinates

The position of an object in the galaxy can be described relative to the Solar System's position in what are known as galactic coordinates. These consist of two values. The galactic longitude l indicates the angle of the object in the plane of the galaxy relative to the line between the Solar System and the galaxy's center. The galactic latitude b gives the angle between the galactic plane and the object, as measured from the Solar System.

"Galactic coordinates" by Brews ohare, used under CC BY-SA 3.0.

As seen from the side, the Solar System is not precisely in the galactic plane (it's 40-70 light years above it [4]), but on the scale of the galaxy as a whole this difference is insignificant:

Milky way profile by RJHall, used under CC BY-SA 3.0.

We can therefore consider the Solar System as lying in the galactic plane when constructing our model of the Solar System and constellations in the galaxy.

Seasons and Constellations

We want a model that will locate the Earth and constellations in the galaxy in time as well as space. This requires relating the Sun's position against the constellations (which is simply the opposite of Earth's), the seasons, and the Earth's axial tilt (which causes those seasons).

Earth's Orbit and the Seasons

It is common to see the seasons presented relative to the Earth's orbit in diagrams like this:

"North season" by Tau'olunga, used under CC0 1.0.

This is OK as far as it goes, but to my mind it fails to make explicit the connections between axial tilt, Earth's position in its orbit, and the length of day and night, as they relate to the seasons.

Earth spins on its axis once every 24 hours. [5] A point on Earth's surface can be imagined as tracing out a circular path over the course of this timespan, like this ("N" indicates the northern hemisphere):

The varying lengths of day and night arise from the interaction of this path with the Earth's terminator, the dividing line between day and night. In spring and summer, the axis points toward the sun, placing the north pole in daylight. More of the path will lie in daylight than in night; since the angular velocity remains constant, the point will spend more time in day (td) than night (tn):

(Note that the amount of axial tilt - and hence the difference in length between day and night - is exaggerated here for illustration purposes.)

The situation is reversed in fall and winter. The axis points away from the sun and the north pole is in night. More of the path lies in night, and tn will be greater than td.

At the equinoxes, the axis is coplanar with the terminator. Any path will spend the same amount of time in day and night.


The Constellations and Earth's Orbit

The first point of Aries anchors the ecliptic and equatorial coordinate systems among the constellations. It also fixes Earth's axis of rotation relative to its orbit. Relating Earth's position over the period of its orbit to the celestial coordinate systems is therefore straightforward. We need to know where in the Xω-Yω plane the boundaries of each constellation are in order to make a map of the constellations relative to Earth's orbit. [projection into I-J plane as seen from above]

I used the free astronomy software Stellarium to find the intersection of the ecliptic with each of the Zodiacal constellations. Ecliptic longitude was estimated visually to the arcminute, which is enough accuracy for the model's purposes. The data below are the boundaries of the ecliptic's path through each constellation in the direction of the Sun's path (increasing ecliptic longitude). Arcminute values were converted to decimal for plotting.

            Ecliptic longitude (deg min)    Ecliptic longitude (decimal)
Pisces		351 56  	 28 59		        351.93	 28.98
Aries		 28 59		 53 42		         28.98	 53.70
Taurus		 53 42		 90 26		         53.70	 90.43
Gemini		 90 26		118 17		         90.43	118.28
Cancer		118 17		138 20		        118.28	138.33
Leo	        138 20		174 09		        138.33	174.15
Virgo		174 09		218 06		        174.15	218.10
Libra		218 06		241 21		        218.10	241.35
Scorpius	241 21		247 56		        241.35	247.93
Ophiuchus	247 56		266 32		        247.93	266.53
Sagittarius	266 32		299 57		        266.53	299.95
Capricornus	299 57		327 47		        299.95	327.78
Aquarius	327 47		351 56		        327.78	351.59

Earth's orbit and time

To connect the months with the cardinal points, we first need to know where they start and end in degrees. I used a 365-day year for simplicity, and used the ending day of the year for each month to determine the degree at which the month ends.

            Month   Days    End day     Year fraction at end    Degree at end	
            Jan	    31	     31	        0.085	                 30.575
            Feb	    28	     59	        0.162	                 58.192
            Mar	    31	     90         0.247	                 88.767
            Apr	    30	    120         0.329	                118.356
            May	    31	    151         0.414	                148.932
            Jun	    30	    181         0.496	                178.521
            Jul	    31	    212         0.581	                209.096
            Aug	    31	    243         0.666	                239.671
            Sep	    30	    273         0.748	                269.260
            Oct	    31	    304         0.833	                299.836
            Nov	    30	    334         0.915                   329.425
            Dec	    31	    365         1.000	                360.000

The Xω-axis is at 0° by definition. This usually falls on March 20th, the 79th day of the year. Therefore, the year starts 79/365th of a full circle (77.918°) counterclockwise from the Xω-axis. I rotated the month divisions by this amount to yield the final month-constellation-season diagram, as seen from above the Earth's orbital plane:

The arrow coming out of the Earth (blue circle) shows its axis of rotation; looking down from the +Zω direction, it is tilted away from the top of the image.
[add orbital + precessional directions, examples of precessional drift]

The Galaxy

The Milky Way Galaxy is [description]. Our solar system is located [where], [distance] from the galactic center. The center of the galaxy, as seen from Earth, lies in the constellation Sagittarius and is known as Sagittarius A* (Sagittarius A-Star), abbreviated Sgr A*.
[diagram of location]

Relating the two pictures

A line drawn perpindicular to the orbital plane through the center of the orbit will pass through what are called the orbit's ecliptic poles. The north and south ecliptic poles are designated relative to the direction of the planet's motion around the sun by the right-hand rule:
[diagrams of the above]
In galactic coordinates, Earth's ecliptic north pole is located at l = 97°, b = +30° (30 degrees above the galactic plane).
The IJK unit vectors of the geocentric-equatorial coordinate system are located, by definition, at:

     l       b
I    0       0
J   90       0
K   ()      90
The Xω, Yω, and Zω vectors in the heliocentric-ecliptic coordinate system have the same ecliptic longitude and latitude as their counterparts do right ascension and declination. The ecliptic and equatorial frames share the same I/Xω axis, and their K/Zω axises are (by definition) separated by the value of Earth's axial tilt, 23.4 degrees. The ecliptic frame is rotated in the positive K-direction from the J-axis:
But what is the orientation of these frames relative to the galaxy? We can find out using a coordinate converter from NASA. Entering the above coordinates (and making sure to select the requisite coordinate system), we find the galactic longitude and latitude of the unit vectors:
       l             b
I       96.33727    -60.18850
J      206.98913    -11.42449
K      122.93194     27.12830

Xω      96.33727    -60.18850
Yω     186.37245     -0.02012
Zω      96.38398     29.81149
The celestial north pole (CNP) is identical with K, and the ecliptic north pole (ENP) is identical with Zω. Using these angles, we are ready to complete our 3D model.

Putting it all together: the 3D model

I used the free 3D image software Blender to create the 3D model. For this, I needed models of the Earth (a sphere) and the orbital plane (the image above). [image]
I imported the image of the Milky Way Galaxy from the Introduction to serve as the background (bottom, really) of the image. A large black sphere serves as Sgr A*. [image]
A rod was added to the Earth sphere to show its rotational axis, and this was then rotated by [angles] to obtain its proper orientation. A map of Earth was applied to the sphere to give it the right appearance. [image]
Finally the orbit map was rotated into position by [angles] to produce the final product:

Earth in the Galaxy by wayneclark on Sketchfab


[1] "First" point because that was also coincidentally where the Sun entered Aries at the time.

[2] Hence this section is titled simply "Ecliptic coordinate system", identifying only the fundamental plane and not the center as well.

[3] Remember, only the Earth's orbital plane really "exists". The ecliptic is merely the Sun's apparent path seen from Earth's position on this plane.

[4] M. T. Karim, Eric E. Mamajek, Revised geometric estimates of the North Galactic Pole and the Sun's height above the Galactic mid-plane, Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, Volume 465, Issue 1, 11 February 2017, Pages 472–481, Value given as 17 ± 5 pc (parsecs); converted to light-years (ly) via 1 pc = 3.26 ly.

[5] Technically it's once every 23 hours 56 minutes, but the difference between solar and sidereal time is not of significance for this overview.

[6] [Mueller, Bate, White citation]

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