-How to download and install (build/compile) programs from source/Github (Arch: build package (makepkg using PKGBUILD), install package using pacman) >https://www.howtogeek.com/428988/how-to-install-software-using-git-on-linux/ Creating a computer program: Source code ---------> Executable (text) compiler (binary) Source code: instructions that make up a computer program Executable: version of the program that can actually run on a computer >https://thoughtbot.com/blog/the-magic-behind-configure-make-make-install Generic steps to build and install a program from source: 1. Configure -make sure all dependencies are available -establish that a compiler in the requisite language (e.g., C) is present 2. Build -build the software following the instructions in the makefile 3. Install -once the software is built and ready to run, copy the built program, libraries, and documentation to the correct locations, e.g.: program binary to directory on PATH program manual page to directory on MANPATH other files in the appropriate locations Building a program from source on Arch Linux: 1. Clone repository. 2. Create PKGBUILD to tell the compiler how to build the code. -> step 1, configure 3. Build package using makepkg. -> step 2, build 4. Install package with pacman. -> step 3, install The steps listed above for Arch use PKGBUILD, makepkg, and pacman instead of the typical "configure" shell script and "make"/"make install" terminal commands, but they do the same thing; as usual in Linux, there are multiple ways to do things.